
The letter from Kraft Foods

Few days ago I wrote to Kraft Foods asking for the missing chocolates: Bronze, Silver and Gold series. Today I got the answer:

Szanowna Pani 
(dear miss)

dziękujemy za zainteresowanie 
naszą firmą. 
(thank you for being interested 
in our company)

wielu wielbicieli wyrobów firmy Kraft 
nie tylko przepada za samymi produktami, 
ale także chętnie kolekcjonuje ich opakowania 
i często zwraca się do nas z prośbą 
o przesłanie takich artykułów. 
(many fans of our products love 
our sweets and collect the papers)
Każdego dnia otrzymujemy 
na ten temat wiele zapytań, 
jednakże nie możemy, niestety, 
spełnić wszystkich życzeń naszych konsumentów. 
(everyday we got many letters asking for 
our products but we can not help everyone)
Artykuły, o które Pani pyta produkowane 
są wyłącznie dla potrzeb naszej firmy i nie
prowadzimy ich dystrybucji i sprzedaży. 
Dlatego z przykrością musimy
poinformować, że nie mamy możliwości 
spełnienia Pani prośby.
(Products you are asking for are being produced 
only for our company and we do not distrubute them)

Jeszcze raz dziękujemy za kontakt.
(thank you once more for being in contact with us)

Gdyby miała Pani dalsze pytania, 
pozostajemy do dyspozycji również pod
numerem naszej infolinii 801 066 006 - 
w dni robocze od poniedziałku do
piątku, w godzinach 8.00-17.00 
(opłata według taryfy lokalnej).
(if you have anymore question pls contact us.... 
bla bla bla bla bla)

Łączymy wyrazy szacunku,
Dział Obsługi Konsumenta
Kraft Foods Polska S.A.
Am I crazy but I have just read that they produce their products for their company? 
So why can I buy the in normal shop?
I have the feeling that no one even read my mail :)
But thank you Kraft Food, 
now I will never feel bad writing your chocolates are unhealthy :D 
2 hours after...
I sent to Kraft Foods the answer that 
I can show them the shops where 
they can buy their own products. 
They texted me back - the same mail but...
 they admit that 
they were thinking about the paper wrappers. 
 Who wants wrapperrs without trying the chocolate? :> 


Pierniczki Alpejskie z czekoladą Milka (160g)

Pierniczki Alpejskie z czekoladą Milka (160g)
Gingerbread with fruit filling covered with dark Milka chocolate

Today I had the last lecture. Now for two months I am going to work like normal people: 
from Monday till Friday for 7h35mins every day.

Going back from lecture and realizing that it is summer and in 50 days I go to Amsterdam I went to Kaufland.

I bought: 

  • 2 rolls
  • 1 żurawinówka lubelska (one of my favourite polish vodkas)
  • 2 red bulls (for vodka)
  • 2 packs of Crunchips X cut


3 packs of gingerbreads with Milka chocolate :D

Each pack has different flavour so there are gingerbreads with plum, apple and strawberries. One pack cost 3,19zloties.

Nutritional information in 100g:


4,6g protein
66,5g carbohydrates
6,8g fat


4,6g protein
71g carbohydrates
6,8g fat


4,6g protein
71g carbohydrates
6,8g fat


Milka Waldbeer Joghurt (100g)

Milka Waldbeer Joghurt (100g)

As many people my age I do not have weekend offs from work. Almost every weekend I spend in the university where I am the member of the research team or at lectures that I give to others - nurses, societies, students etc.

The one type of listeners I like the most - the patients. 

This weekend I was invited by Diabetes Society in Swidnin (Poland) to MIĘDZYZDROJE (Misdroy) to tell patients main rules of diabetes diet. For the first time I got the photos of me playing the lecturer role... so here I am:

... and the thank-you gift from the president of society :D

I am pretty sure that I got the present because I said it is better to eat Milka Zartherb than the very expensive ones "special for diabetes patients" :)

Nutritional information in 100g:

5,7g protein
54,5g carbohydrates
35,5g fat


Milka Erdbeer Joghurt (100g)

Milka Erdbeer Joghurt (100g)

Today I bought fresh strawberries and prepared pasta with white cheese and strawberries.

I bought this one when I started my studies in Bialystok in 2004/05 in this place shown in the map.

The price on the chocolate is 3,45zloties. I have to write it once more - why does it cost maximum 3,19zloties these days???? :>

Nutritional information in 100g:

5,6g protein
58g carbohydrates
28,5g fat


Milka Alpenmilch (85g)

Milka Alpenmilch (85g)

One year ago I moved 550km from Olsztyn to Szczecin and....

... I am one year older :D

... I earn at least 3 times more than in Olsztyn... but...

... I still have no money :D

... Maybe because this year my wardrobe got  10 new pair of shoes and 15 new dresses... 

... But I am not sad because ...

... In 4 years I will get 5% raise ;)

Nutritional information in 100g:

6,6g protein
58,5g carbohydrates
29,5g fat
