
Milka SchokusPokus (100g)

Milka SchokusPokus (100g)

Few months ago I met a guy. Our first date happened in Mexican Restaurant in Szczecin. Our last date happened in one of the Burger Kings Restaurants in Sztokholm. Then we took the train and... our dating finished.

Three weeks after our last meeting Mexican Restaurant was closed. Forever. I thought - this is the sign! We were not meant to be together at all! 

More surprising was the fact, when he texted me that "our" Burger King was closed too....  last week.

Closed forever :)

Every sign on Earth shows we should not have ever met.............. Like strawberry and peppermint in the Milka Chocolate Schokus Pokus.

Chocolate bought in Croatia (produced: 25.02.2003). One of the most untasty chocolates I have ever tried. 

No nutritional information available.

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