
Milka Waldbeer Joghurt (100g)

Milka Waldbeer Joghurt (100g)

As many people my age I do not have weekend offs from work. Almost every weekend I spend in the university where I am the member of the research team or at lectures that I give to others - nurses, societies, students etc.

The one type of listeners I like the most - the patients. 

This weekend I was invited by Diabetes Society in Swidnin (Poland) to MIĘDZYZDROJE (Misdroy) to tell patients main rules of diabetes diet. For the first time I got the photos of me playing the lecturer role... so here I am:

... and the thank-you gift from the president of society :D

I am pretty sure that I got the present because I said it is better to eat Milka Zartherb than the very expensive ones "special for diabetes patients" :)

Nutritional information in 100g:

5,7g protein
54,5g carbohydrates
35,5g fat

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